1. Anticipation
2. Legend In Your Own Time
3. Our First Day Together
4. The Girl You Think You See
5. Summer’s Coming Around Again
6. Share the End
7. The Garden
8. Three Days
9. Julie Through the Glass
10. I’ve Got to Have You
Mastered from the Original Master Tapes: SACD Lays Bare Personal Emotions, Rich Acoustic Arrangements, and Vocal Nuances on Carly Simon's Sophomore Album
Quietly Intense Songs Informed By Simon’s Personal Experiences and Romantic Relationships: Top 20 Title Track and “Legend In Your Own Time” Inspired by Cat Stevens
Carly Simon’s quietly intense sophomore album comes across like an assertive notice nailed to a door for all to see.Bold, personal, and openly biographical,Anticipationannounces the arrival of an artist that won’t back down for anything.WhileSimonclearly stands her ground on her eponymous debut, she elevates her passion and persona to heightened levels throughout this gold-selling record, dealing in private matters related to love, relationships, and desire.At times, Simon is nothing short of primal, reflecting on the difficulties of retaining your own identity while also giving yourself to a partner.Musically,Simon’s connection to her folk roots would never be stronger.
Mastered from the original master tapes,Mobile Fidelity’s numbered edition hybrid SACD lays bare the rich acoustic tapestries afforded by the spare blend of soft guitars, mellow orchestration, and dreamy melodies.Simon’s attachment to and investment in each lyric is made evident by way of the intimate, hushed atmospherics and expanded dynamic range. The rhythmic framework supplied by session proAndy Newmark’s drumming is also vastly improved, with songs showcasing a better-defined midrange and low-end. And just asSimon’s vocals sound more transparent and direct, so, too, do the supporting choral arrangements.
Released during a time before the 70s singer-songwriter movement reached full bloom,Anticipationis remarkable not only for the consistently high quality of songwriting but for Simon’s gutsy stance. The arresting album cover&mdashdepicting the artist holding the gates at Queen Mary’s Garden in Regent’s Park and seemingly defying anyone to take her on&mdashserves as a metaphor for the content within. Beginning a now-famous string of high-profile relationships with fellow celebrities,Simon was heavily involved with Cat Stevens leading up to the recording ofAnticipation, and drew from her experiences to craft tunes that continue to resonate because of their honesty, realism, and strength.
Of course, none are more widely recognized than the Top 20-charting title track, whichSimoncomposed in just 15 minutes as she waited forStevensto pick her up for a date. Imbued with the nervousness, tension, and excitement that accompany the moments when a romance could go either way, the Grammy-nominated “Anticipation” presages the feminist-minded vulnerability and burning longing that informs a majority of the record. On the soulful “Legend In Your Own Time,” also inspired byStevens,Simonharnesses yearning as a conduit to feel-good paradise. Deemed byRolling Stonean“absolute clincher, an awesome description of the psychic ravages of gone-nuts, know-nothing love,” her cover of Kris Kristofferson’s “I’ve Got to Have You” moans with no-holds-barred desire and breathtaking sensuality.
For all the wanting impulsesSimonpursues onAnticipation, her way of keeping in control&mdashvocally and personally&mdashmake the record such a courageous statement of contemporary femininity. Vide, the bossa-nova-etched “Summer’s Coming Around Again,” somber “Share the End,” soothing “Three Days,” and sincere “Julie Through the Glass,” a tribute to her young niece.Simonwould soon realize international fame with her next album,No Secrets, yet asMobile Fidelity’s caring reissue shows,Anticipationsuggests the rest of the world was just a little late catching up to her.